The Future of Cell Phones (at least for me)

I have been toying with a new idea for my next cell phone. I have an app called GrooVe IP that lets me make Google Voice calls over an IP connection (3G, 4G, Wifi, Ethernet if I had it on my tablet). The calls are free to anywhere in the country. For my next phone I am going to get an unlocked device that has a WAN connection (anything long range, 3G, 4G, or whatever technology is in use then) and sign up for just a data package. I would then use GrooVe IP and the Google Voice app to handle all of my communication. In addition I am already using imo to handle IM traffic which I find to be more reliable than text messageing.

Advantages: wireless data without voice costs about $25 dollars a month from AT&T where as it would cost much more than that for the same with voice and text. I can use Wifi in places that I don't normally get service to make phone calls.

Disadvatages: currently 3G coverage isn't as comprehensive as voice networks, but they are close. I can use Wifi to fill in many of the gaps.

I am kind of excited about this idea. I wish I was in the market now for a new phone but I still have a year and a half until my contract is up.


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