Google Calendar Sync

Ok, Google is slowing taking over my life. Well, more accurately my life is being managed more and more by one Google service or another. Right now my primary way of using Google is on my phone for my Calendar, Gmail, Voice, and Contacts. At the same time I love Outlook 2007 and would love to use it more. Google has a program called Calendar Sync that does just that, but only uses the primary calendar from my Google account and doesn't touch the contacts. I have about 10 different ones that I would like to be synced as different categories in Outlook. I am sure there is some reason this isn't going to work smoothly, but it is what I would like. Until then I will have to have a Chrome window open with a tab for each of the services I use.

Update 21 Mar 2012
So I discovered that you can subscribe to web calendars in Outlook. In the settings for each Google calendar is an iCal link to that particular calendar. However it is a one way connection. Getting closer.


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