iOS half hearted atempt at parental controls

It is amazing to me how poor the parental controls are on iOS devices. (iOS is the new name for the iPhone OS used on iPod touch and iPads as well.) There is no way to lock the network connection. Sure you can lock Safari, but there are so many other ways for kids to get online that aren't covered. Apple why do you make parents feel like they have control then allow any app onto the network? The fix is simple: put a wifi on/off switch in the restrictions panel. This future parent will be much more likely to buy your products when you do.

Update Jan 20, 2012
So I discovered that in order to reset an iOS device that has a passcode set you have to enter the passcode. When they changed this I don't know, but I am glad they did. Now in order to reset the device without having the passcode you have to have iTunes wipe the device and restore from either a backup or start fresh.


Jonathan Nelson said…
I have been studying more about iOS security and they have a complete set of "buzz word compliant" features (meaning they have all the security features one would need for corporate security). Still, the fact that network access itself is still not behind a password is not good security practice.

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