GUI SSH session

Ok, to explain the alphabet soup of the title. I am running an Apache server in Ubuntu but managing it from another computer running Ubuntu. My problem was that I hate using command line for simple tasks such as moving files from one computer to another. To do so from the command line you have to type something like ssh myuser@ /var/www/* webadmin@ /var/www/.This will transfer all of the conntents from the www folder on my local computer to the www folder on the remote computer. After you type this it then asks you for a user name. Forget this. In an age of GUI's I shouldn't have to do this. I Googled all over the place but couldn't find a thing about having a visual folder representation and being able to drag and drop folders and files from my computer to the server. I found one for Windows called SSH Secure Shell from SSH Communications Security Corp. and loved it. It displays two columns on the page, one for the local computer and one for the remote host (or server). Each has an explorer like representation of the folders on each machine, fully navigatable and with drag and drop capability. And it is free for non-commercial use. But nothing for Linux.

Enter Wine. Wine simulates the Windows API (the interface that programs see when running in Windows) and allows these programs to run under Windows. It is not an emulator, since it isn't simulating any hardware, nor is it virtualization since it isn't really running Windows. Best analogy would be a translator, translating Windows language into Linux.

I installed SSH Secure Shell inside Wine and it runs beautifully! I am so happy! Now I can just drag files from one folder on the left to the server folder on the right. No more stupid command line (for transfering files, at least).

Get SSH Secure Shell here or here
Get Wine here or through the package manager of your Linux distribution (Synaptic on Ubuntu).


Hannah said…
This is a facsinating blog braja.

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